Everyone has a story to tell, but it’s easy to forget, even for someone whose job it is to find and tell those stories. Often it becomes a blur of ...
When you think you have it bad…
I visited the town of Bor on my last trip to South Sudan. Bor is a large town that sits on the east shore of the White Nile River north of Juba. This ...
For the Least of These
This is a story about a woman who is changing her world, and the children whose lives she is transforming. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one ...
Small Strips of Earth
The airstrip at Korr, Kenya I’ve flown into many interesting airstrips with MAF. Some are short, some neglected, some with roads or paths that cross ...
I don't usually like to take photos of a crowd of kids jumping up and down in front of the camera. Really, it gets very old. But they wouldn't get out ...