In 1999, Far Reaching Ministries (FRM) established a chaplain training program with the goal to place a chaplain in every unit of the South Sudanese army (SPLA). The training center was established in Nimule, South Sudan during the civil war and endured repeated bombing. Upon graduation, the chaplains are commissioned and sent to minister at the front lines, reaching an estimated 400,000 soldiers.

The Old German Baptist Brethren Church-New Conference held their 2013 annual conference in June at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. This Christian group is spread across the United States, with members coming from as far away as Virginia for the four-day gathering.

Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo is the oldest national park in Africa and one of the most endangered, deeply impacted by armed conflict, loss of wildlife due to poaching, and over 200 rangers killed. Virunga is home to approximately one-third of the world's estimated 1000 endangered mountain gorillas.

In northwest Uganda vicious cattle wars, waged between tribes for decades, have caused the death of thousands since the late 1970s. Valery Shean, a veterinarian working with the most violet and feared Karamojong tribe, helped to reconcile two warring clans through “peace villages” and teaching on God’s forgiveness and reconciliation.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is a Christian organization that provides aviation services in 24 countries to more than 1,500 Christian and humanitarian agencies in the world’s most isolated areas. MAF’s bush pilots undergo rigorous training for flying into remote and rugged jungle and mountain airstrips.